Furry Friends Welcome Here!
Discover the warmth of a pet-friendly stay at My Place Hotels, where we do more than accept your dogs or cats — we celebrate their arrival!
Discover the warmth of a pet-friendly stay at My Place Hotels, where we do more than accept your dogs or cats — we celebrate their arrival!
Order Grubhub anytime during your stay at a participating location to enjoy a $0 Grubhub delivery.
Earn points on your next stay* by joining My Place Hotel's free loyalty program Stay Rewarded®.
Reward yourself by booking early! If you are booking 7 or more days before your stay, choose the AP rate to get a discount.
My Place Hotels offers a discounted rate for AAA members.
My Place Hotels would like to show our gratitude by offering a discounted military rate.
My Place Hotels is delighted to offer exclusive savings for our guests in their golden years.
Plan you next meal with the My Store in mind.
Wake up to the ease of a delightful breakfast in the comfort of your room.
Stay Rewarded® with our free loyalty program to unlock exclusive offers. Sign up today for even more reasons to enjoy our comfortable rooms in the best locations.
Earn Points for Qualified Stays
Early Check In* & Late Check Out*
Redeem your points for eGift cards
Explore our locations by state. My Place Hotels has a track record of providing cost-effective accommodation options for both short and long-term stays.
DetailsEnroll in our loyalty program to make the most out of every stay, from discounts to complimentary upgrades and more.
DetailsGet in touch with a member of our staff to book for your corporate crew, group retreat, sports team, or other group.